1000 places to see before you die (Chinese Edition)

1000 places to see before you die (Chinese Edition)

B. inggris 1. dino is ... in class A.
the correct degree of comparison to complete the sentence above is....
a. cleverer
b. the cleverest
c. the most cleverer
d. more clever

2. the eiffel tower is ... of all.
the correct degree of comparison to complete the sentence above is...
a. incredible enough
b. more incredible
c. the most incredible
d. not incredible

3. your tea is ... than mine.
the correct degree of comparison to complete the sentence above is ...
a. more sweeter
b. the most sweeter
c. more sweeter
d. sweeter

4. Mary is ... than patty.
which one is the correct degree of comparison to complete the sentence...
a. taller
b. tallest
c. tall
d. short

5. Jupiter is the ... planet in the solar system.
which one is the correct degree of comparison to complete the sentence...
a. larger
b. largest
c. large
d. small​

Ujian Nasional Sebuah perusahaan permen mempunyai tiga buah gudang di setiap kota. setiap gudang menyimpan 100 dus permen. satu dus terdiri dari 15 bungkus besar. satu bungkus besar berisi 12 bungkus kecil. harga satu bungkus kecil permen adalah rp 7.500. dari setiap gudang, perusahaan menyisihkan 25% dari hasil penjualan permen untuk membayar gaji karyawan, 20% untuk modal dan bahan baku, dan 10% untuk biaya operasional gudang. berapakah keuntungan bersih (netto) perusahaan permen tersebut? (tulis angkanya saja jawaban dalam satuan rp)